
*Latest Update* 29th WESR-Gathering, 10-14 October 2025, Bergeijk the Netherlands

About us:

The National Scout and Guide Fellowship UK (NSGF UK) is the member organization of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF) in the United Kingdom.

NSGF UK Component Associations are:

NSGF UK members are adults who are (or have been) Scouts or Guides, and those who accept the ideals and principles of the Scout/Guide movement.  We have members throughout the UK undertaking a variety of local, national and international activities for Scouting, Guiding, and their local communities.

Lord Baden-Powell said, “Scouting and Guiding is not only a game for children, it is also a way of life for adults”.

Don’t hold back your enthusiasm, if you have that, ‘Scout and Guide Spirit’ and would like to experience the fellowship and company of like-minded people, contact us today.


The management of NSGF UK is the responsibility of the Joint National Committee (JNC).  The structure, roles, duties, and responsibilities of the committee are as laid down in the constitution, which is approved by the membership and by the ISGF World Committee.

Members pay an annual subscription to NSGF UK which includes the ISGF fee. Members are kept in touch by regular NSGF Newsletters and through the websites of their respective organizations.

Membership of the ISGF can be obtained in the United Kingdom through joining one of the Component Organisations

Aims & Objectives:

  • Facilitating membership of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF).
  • Working in harmony with Scouting and Guiding in the UK and supporting them whenever possible.
  • Encouraging members to take part in, or support local community work.
  • To promote friendship among its members and fellow members in other countries.
  • Promoting Fellowship Day each year on 25th October.
  • Participating in ISGF gatherings, conference and other events.
  • Receiving and distributing information from and promoting special appeals put forward by ISGF.

NSGF UK Supports:

  • Scouting and Guiding
  • Local Communities
  • International Projects

Our Constitution:

The NSGF UK Constitution was approved by the ISGF World Committee in March 2013, for full information download a copy of our Constitution.

Forthcoming Events  2025 / 2026

  • To be confirmed